IUB offers 1500 Scholarships to School Dropouts through DYEA
After long weeks of negotiation between the International University of Bamenda (IUB) and the Dynamic Youths Educational Association (DYEA) for assistance to vulnerable school dropouts in especially around the troubled Anglophone Regions, the International University of Bamenda finally unveils their package for these vulnerable Youths. According to the representative of IUB, assistance shall be provided for 1500 school dropouts through Trainings which amounts to a sum of four hundred and seventy-five million (475,000,000) FCFA. This mouthwatering initiative was highly applauded by DYEA as it goes to prove that DYEA is not alone in the fight for empowering dropouts. DYEA shall in the days ahead launch the application for scholarships.

The scholarships shall be in the following areas of study: (50 places per program)

1. Business and Finance
  • Accounting
  • Banking and finance
  • Marketing, trade & sales
  • Insurance
  • International trade
2. Management
  • Project management
  • Human resource management
  • Management assistant
  • Logistics and transport
  • Local government management
  • Local government accountancy
3. Education
  • Diadactics and curriculum
  • Guidance & counselling
  • Special education
4. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Network and security
  • Hardware maintenance
  • Industrial capacity & automation
  • Telecommunication
5. Medical and Biomedical Sciences
  • Nursing
  • Midwifery
  • Medical lab. Sciences
  • Civil engineering technology
  • Urban planning
  • Building sciences & technology
  • Road & civil engineering
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
  • Food technology
  • Animal production technology
  • Crop production technology
  • Agropastoral entrepreneurship
  • Agricultural production technology
  • NB: ALL CANDIDATES Must be Holders of an Advanced Level Certificate in the area of study

For Details about the Scholarship program, consult the Document below.

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