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Who we are

Dynamic Youth Educational Association (DYEA) is a group of workers based in Cameroon and beyond who have come  together to address the phenomenon of school dropout  due to vulnerabilities

Founded in 2017 within the context of excruciating rates of school dropouts blamed on rising insecurity and poor career orientation, DYEA was built on the VISION of

"Ensuring a bright future for all vulnerable school dropouts"

Our Objectives

  • DYEA Strives to provide scholarships, study materials and vocational training for vulnerable dropouts
  • DYEA also strives to provide farming materials for vulnerable dropouts to enable them earn a living through Agriculture
  • DYEA encourages youths to take active part in Nation Building and protect the values of their Fatherland

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    Contact  Us today

    +237 679 201 766


    LAFON'S BUILDING (St. Thierry Campus) - Miss Ngeng Junction, Bamenda

    Opening Hours: 8AM - 4PM  (Mondays to Fridays)

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